Posted by Pascal on January 01, 1970

About the Author

Pascal Smits Pascal Smits is an expert in graphic design, print quality accuracy, product analysis and production process. With a background in print process management and printer development, Pascal is an all round expert.

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1000 Business Cards: $34.35

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Recent Customer Reviews

  • 28Oct 2014

    Im very frustrated with Cafepress. I tried to order online and spend more then an hour trying to get that order done: It was just impossibe!
    I Finally ended up ordering by phone (and must admit the lady on the phone handeled it professional) still im very frustrated by their website.

    Coupons & Deals from Cafepress
    Rating 2 Rating: 2 / 5
    by Charles
  • 28Sep 2015

    Snapfish is converting to a new site, and I had to communicate with at least four-five different CS reps. I admire people who can speak multiple languages, but this became ridiculous.
    They all were obviously using the same script (e.g., "I am more than happy to help you with that. Please kindly hold on the chat for a minute, meanwhile I look up the information."), and in the end, none were able to help me. I really wanted to communicate with a manager, not about the CS reps, but about the problems with Snapfish's new site.

    My problem stems from the conversion of classic Snapfish to the new Snapfish. I started a photo book on another photo site (with no problems). Because a family member downloaded photos I want to include to Snapfish, I had to start over on Snapfish. Two of my images wouldn't download, (requiring 2-3 chats before someone finally figured out what to do), the size/format of the book I want is not available in the new Snapfish (which I learned after starting it on classic Snapfish and another chat), and photos shared on the new Snapfish cannot be transferred/shared with the classic Snapfish (another chat). So I either needed to use a different book (more expensive) or not include the photos.

    Apparently, these features will be available once the new Snapfish is complete. Why on earth would any company introduce a new version before all features are available or before the bugs are worked out--beta version? I'm ordering prints of the photos on the new Snapfish and will scan them to include in my photo book on the other site. Then I'm done with Snapfish

    Coupons & Deals from Snapfish
    Rating 1 Rating: 1 / 5
    by Karen
  • 29Oct 2014

    I love Tiny Prints selection of announcement cards, they really stand out. Placed an order with them for the first time, and everything went well.

    Coupons & Deals from Tinyprints
    Rating 4 Rating: 4 / 5
    by Olivia
  • 15Jan 2015

    Being their customer for several years and never encountered any problems before, the last order was dissapointing. The quality of the photo's was grainy, but they did solve the manner and reprinted my invitation cards free of charge.

    Coupons & Deals from Tinyprints
    Rating 4 Rating: 4 / 5
    by Patricia
  • 17Feb 2015

    Typical large company: it's impossible to speak to a human besides someone in a call-center who knows nothing about printing!! Result: crap useless business cards. Used vistaprint to save money: in the end it costed me money, time and aggravation.

    Coupons & Deals from Vistaprint
    Rating 2 Rating: 2 / 5
    by Jake R
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